Monday, July 21, 2008

Six Reasons to Stop Jogging

I've gained six pounds since I started jogging. Then I lost three pounds. Then I lost four pounds. All in a matter of a few hours. My scale either hates me or is broken. Maybe both.

Progress needs to be measured somehow. I feel better being more active and I know eventually I'll look better. I haven't been keeping the dieting part of this plan completely in check; I've had a few late night snacks and some disastrous meals. Nipping all my fatty habits in a single stroke was a dream.

I skipped jogging the day my traitorous scale revealed itself. Getting on a working scale doesn't appeal to me at this point, but I know I must since my pre-jogging weight (determined by the broken scale) is probably wrong. Then I became ill and fell off the exercise wagon. Nothing sounds worse than running a mile when your nose produces non-stop snot, your lungs are wheezy, and you get dizzy spells. It's not like I needed a big excuse to stop jogging. Any little excuse would do. Apparently what I need is an excuse to jog.

List of possible excuses to jog:
1) Jogging will save on gas
2) If I fall while jogging, I'll probably break my hip and can stay home from work
3) Those shirts aren't going to get sweaty all by themselves
4) If the Earth can make a daily rotation, I should at least be able to jog up the block every day

The lady finds excuses to exercise much easier than I do. She's been doing some cardio aerobic thing daily, just joined a gym, and gets to the treadmill when she can. Although I wasn't bed ridden the entire time being sick, it's taken about two full weeks to return to one-hundred percent. Now the hard part: Getting back outdoors and running 'round town.

Bets are being placed on which me you'll see at the wedding. Betting on tubby me is easy money, but the big money is on the long shot.


Anonymous said...

I just have one reason not to jog: IT SUCKS.

Viva La Fat!

OCD OD said...

Jogging sucks. How about weight lifting and yoga? Less annoying, I swear. And it works. Or you could just walk with the lady. Your lady walks hella fast!!!