Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Secret Sessions and No Promises

I've been lying to you through my silence. I heard back from Seattle. I'm sure you've expected to hear one of two things: 1) That interviews were proceeding or 2) They were taking a pass on me. You wouldn't be alone, since that is exactly what I expected.

Waiting in my mailbox last Thursday was a detailed, lengthy note from the Editor in Chief of the web site. He asked me to create some images as a sort of test. But not really a test. Lemme explain. The Editor in Chief has a hand in determining the responsibilities for the job I'm in the running for. On a daily basis, he needs a designer to produce photoshop enhanced / altered images of a humorous nature using artwork from the company's product line to accompany newly posted web articles. I was provided past articles from their website and challenged to create three such images. The images I create will be used to argue his case, for the inclusion of this responsibility to the job, at meetings in the following weeks. Wait a second ... what's that smell? Oh, it's the reek of dream job.

Receiving the note I was ... well, why look for that five dollar word. I was excited. I took my lunch break to create the first one and nailed it. I've heard from my inside source, that the image has been passed around this rather large company inducing giggles, loud laughter and humorous tears. Thursday night I made the second one. Not laugh out loud funny, but humorous and a fine example of my Photoshop prowess. Sunday I created the last one which is on par with the first, in the humor department.

No promises have been made. Actually, there have been paragraphs exchanged making extra sure I know no promises have been made. Through participating in this project I have gained a leg up on others who may be interested in the job, a handful of people who credit me with making them laugh now know my name, and the Editor in Chief is in my corner. Not too bad for three and a half hours of work.

The Editor-in-Chief-Web-Guy has warned that it might take a while. To that I say it's already taken a while. But I can wait some more. I've had lots of practice being patient lately.


Slack-a-gogo said...

The combo of a great sense of humor AND killer photoshop skills are a rarity - so you should be in a good place. I'm still rooting for you, although I'm looking forward to upgrading that to congratulating you sometime soon.

Full Frontal Honesty said...

Sounds like things are progressing nicely. Congrats!

OCD OD said...

Yes, because you're FRICKIN hilarious! And an embarrassingly good artist. A nice combo. I can't wait till you and the lady move here!

OCD OD said...

Oh and can you send them to me via email? I want to see them!

GSJ said...

Any chance of the rest of us seeing those images? I am intrigued.

Slack-a-gogo said...

And if you can't share the images mentioned with us, as a sustitute could you put together something funny with Ghandi and a chicken in a boat? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

There are already so many pictures of Ghandi, a chicken and a boat though, aren't there?

I say Sam, a hermaphroditic goat and a kitten liver, on a boat that is towing a deity.